The nice surprise I received today was my husband's twin brother, Mike, visiting our church. He's here from New York, checking on his property and his father. We all had a nice lunch together after church. Mike and I will definitely talk before he returns to New York. He told me that he would be here when my Tom returns, and that's always a treat because of the way they spar between one another! They are just too funny!
It seems that everyone is taking vacations somewhere this year...and not just one, but several! I am very happy for them, and think it is amazing to be able to go and see new places. Hopefully, when my broken body is completely healed, or at least somewhat repaired, I will be going too!
I'm going to keep this short tonight. My sweet little dogs are with me, one in my lap and the other snoring on the floor, and they deserve to have their snacks before bedtime. They know their routines so well!
They truly keep me going...okay, running...or at least as much as I can run. They are my joy, and a treasure to love and care for. Quillie, our bird, is also a great comfort to me.
I pray that your Father's Day has been a wonderful and warm day, and that you had fellowship with one another, if you were in fact close enough to do so. Hopefully soon, I'll be further north where I can drive to see my Daddy once again, not just for days such as this, but all of the time!
In closing, I want to post my favorite photograph of my father. This was taken while we were walking the lane leading to his house, approximately five years ago for his 70th birthday. The way the morning light captured his face is so lovely, though it may not show here. But, given the day and the celebration, I truly find it an honor to post this photograph of him!
Thanks, Daddy, for your unending love and for showing me that the true measure of a man is not who he is or what he has, but how well he is loved by those who know him.
I've posted a few new links (blogs) for you, and I'm working on writing my patterns to post here. This is a bit more daunting that I'd originally thought, so please bear with me.
I wish you all an awesome week, and I ask that you lift me up in prayer so that I can perhaps finish the needlework projects I began several weeks ago! I have to have at least three projects (and books) going at all times, you know, or I'm never content! God bless you!!